Supervisory Board

e-mobil BW’s supervisory board oversees and supports the management personnel. It is comprised of seven members, which are appointed to and relieved of their posts by the shareholder, the State of Baden-Württemberg.

The chairman and vice chairman are elected from the ranks of the supervisory board, but only representatives from the government and ministries of the State of Baden-Württemberg can be elected.

The term of the supervisory board lasts until the end of the meeting of shareholders. Apart from that, the term of the individual members ends when they are dismissed or resign.

Portrait von Winfried Hermann, Minister für Verkehr des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Winfried Hermann

Winfried Hermann

As Minister of Transport, Winfried Hermann wants to ensure that Baden-Würrtemberg becomes a leading region for sustainable mobility. He was previously a member of the German Bundestag for 13 years, where he has been Chairman of the Committee for Transport, Building and Urban Development since 2009.

Photo: (c) Sebastian Berger

Portrait von Petra Olschowski, Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Petra Olschowski MdL

Petra Olschowski MdL

As Minister for Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, Petra Olschowski continues to develop our research and higher education landscape and strengthens Baden-Württemberg as a location for the arts. From 2010 onwards, she was the first female rector of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart. Petra Olschowski had already been State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts since 2016 and since 2021 she is a member of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament.

Photo: (c) Lena Lux Photography & Photojournalism

Portrait von Thomas Strobl, stellvertretender Ministerpräsident und Minister des Innern, für Digitalisierung und Kommunen des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Thomas Strobl

Thomas Strobl

Thomas Strobl, Deputy Minister-President and Minister of the Interior, Digitalisation and Local Government, is politically responsible for the police and the safety of citizens, as well as for the fire department, rescue service, disaster control and modern administration.

Photo: (c) Laurence Chaperon

Portrait von Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Ministerin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut is Minister of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourisim of the State of Baden-Württemberg. Since 2016 the business graduate and entrepreneur from Balingen has had a seat in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg 

Photo: (c) Martin Stollberg

Portrait von Thekla Walker, Ministerin für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Thekla Walker MdL

Thekla Walker MdL

As Minister of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Thekla Walker is advancing the energy transition and climate and environmental protection in Baden-Württemberg. The nature education lecturer from Böblingen is a member of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament since 2016.

Photo: (c) Ministery of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Portrait von Gisela Splett, Staatssekretärin im Finanzministerium des Landes Baden-Württemberg

Gisela Splett

Gisela Splett

Dr. Gisela Splett is state secretary in the Ministry of Finance. From 2011 to 2016, the doctorate in geoecology, was state secretary with a cabinet-level position in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the designated person for noise control for the state government.

Photo: (c) Ministry of Finance Baden-Württemberg

Portrait von Dr. Florian Stegmann, Staatsminister und Chef der Staatskanzlei des Lande Baden-Württemberg

Dr. Florian Stegmann

Dr. Florian Stegmann

Dr. Florian Stegmann is state secretary and Head of the State Chancellery. The Frankfurt-born studied law and  became state secretary and Head of the State Chancellery of Baden-Württemberg in 2018.

Photo: (c) Ministry of State Baden-Württemberg