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The Automotive Suppliers' Day Baden-Württemberg 2020 highlighted: The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges to the global economy and the core industries in Baden-Württemberg – automotive engineering and the supplier industry – are opting for new strategies. About 500 participants took part in the virtual event.
The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges to the global economy. Supply chains are disrupted and important sales markets are still weakened. Initial indicators are now showing a positive trend and the core industries in Baden-Württemberg – automotive engineering and the supplier industry – are opting for new strategies. The COVID-19 relief measures at federal and state level provided support at an early stage. However, they are not a substitute for a strategic transformation process towards new products, processes and markets. Smart connectivity of products, software-based services and agile manufacturing processes are key factors. The virtual Automotive Suppliers' Day Baden-Württemberg 2020 therefore looked ahead, provided a significant impetus and promoted an exchange of ideas even in times of physical distancing.
The topic of the corona pandemic determined this year's Automotive Suppliers' Day Baden-Württemberg not only in terms of content, but also regarding its organization. Instead of an onsite event the participants watched the live stream or took part in various interactive online rooms. Here you'll find the recorded live stream.
The Automotive Suppliers' Day Baden-Württemberg is part of the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg and is jointly organised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg and e-mobil BW, the State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg.